About Immediate 1.5 Evista

Immediate 1.5 Evista is a platform that was founded by a group of Bitcoin investors way back when Bitcoin first blew up in the media.

This group saw how so many developers were aimlessly creating trading platforms, and they knew that they could do it better. They combined all of their earnings from trading Bitcoin that year, and Immediate 1.5 Evista was born.

The Team

Before anything could happen, the founders needed to assemble a team of technical minds. Plenty of the group had connections all over, so it didn’t take too long to get the word out.

In no time at all, they were overwhelmed with applications and resumes. They did some research and took on an individual to head up their development team, and the interviewing process began.

After the interviews, there was a screening, after which another round of interviews, and finally, an on-site assessment. By the end of it, the applicants had been reduced to a team of only a few. These few were the first Immediate 1.5 Evista family.


With the newfound technical skill firmly cemented, work began on the development of the platform.

The team was divided in two ways. One focused on the UI, the other on the platform. While the developers worked away on this, the founding group was busy recruiting economists, marketers, and analysts.

Over on the UI side of things, work progressed smoothly throughout the entire project. From the start, the team knew what they wanted, and they made it happen.

It only took a few months to get the front and back end online, which shocked everyone at the founder’s table.

Over on the other side, though, the platform team was struggling. Creating a platform that could streamline the research part was all well and good, but they needed something that could help the trader see the bigger picture.

It took a long time, a reallocation of resources, and countless sleepless nights, but eventually, their work was done. The integration process happened, and the team had a working version of Immediate 1.5 Evista ready to go.

They ran one initial beta test on the platform, and the feedback was incredible. All features were working across the board, so they knew that it was time for that final push to the public release.

Present Days

As you’re reading this, Immediate 1.5 Evista is in the hands of budding traders like yourself.

The team didn’t expect much fanfare at launch, but word got out quickly, and they were overwhelmed with support. Already they’ve helped traders start their journey into Bitcoin, and they want to do the same for you.

It doesn’t matter if you’re a complete beginner in the cryptocurrency world, whether you’ve traded before, or even if you know what you’re doing in the first place.

The team is here to help gradually ease you into Bitcoin rather than throwing you into the deep end.

If you wish, you can sign up for an account and get your journey started.